The Bahá’í community of the United Kingdom comprises over 7,000 Bahá’ís who, with a few thousand friends and neighbours, are working together to contribute to the spiritual and material progress of our society. Together they are striving to establish a pattern of community life that embodies the principle of the oneness of humanity.
Bahá’u’lláh’s vision of the oneness of humanity can best be achieved through the transformation of both our individual and collective lives.
Activities offered by the Hammersmith and Fulham Baha’i Community which are open to all and offered at no cost:
Children’s classes: focused on developing moral and spiritual virtues and qualities in children between 5 – 10 years
Junior Youth groups: focused on youth of around 11-15 years old to recognise the ethical issues underlying everyday decisions and the moral implications of their actions, so as they mature they realise their importance in society. The junior youth groups engage in learning, arts, sports, music, culture and service activities.
Reflective spaces: Individuals from all backgrounds, beliefs and ideas attend these devotional gatherings and come together in a friendly and cordial environment to engage in meaningful and uplifting conversations.
Ruhi Circles: These study circles both enable participants in developing knowledge, skills and spiritual insights through in-depth study and reflection on various topics, as well as learn to act effectively to serve the needs of their own neighbourhoods.