We support people who are experiencing loneliness and social isolation across the Ealing Borough though the following projects:
Face-to-face befriending: Supporting anyone over the age of 18 with regular weekly visit to help reduce isolation. Volunteers are DBS checked and trained and can either visit in the home or support the client go to out
Telephone befriending: Supporting anyone over the age of 18 with a weekly telephone conversation.
Linked Minds: Linked Minds is our specialist mental health befriending project. Trained volunteers will support anyone over the age of 18 who has become isolated because of a mental health diagnosis. Volunteers visit for up to a year and support clients to regain confidence.
Carers short breaks: For family carers who care for an adult with low needs and who would benefit from a weekly short break of 2-3 hours. Trained volunteers will spend time with the cared for person so the carer can rest assured that their loved one is being supported.